
The new Era of Greek Hotel Market, through 100% Hotel Show   |  Dimitris Antonakos

The new Era of Greek Hotel Market, through 100% Hotel Show

100% Hotel Show presents its perspective regarding the new reality of Greek Hotelier Industry

Modern hotelier’s needs have been diversified, due to technology evolutions and the diversification of the travelers' consumer habits. Especially in Greece, the hotel industry has entered a new era, as, in addition to the above, the hotels have passed to the new generations and the demand for the Greek destination has increased.

But how can Greek Hoteliers become competitive in the - admittedly inhospitable and complicated - Greek business environment? And how will they manage to create high-quality tourism infrastructure that will meet the Greek tourist product’s requirements, which, based on its Geophysical infrastructure, is mainly luxury?

Through 100% Hotel Show, we have been given the opportunity to follow Greek Hoteliers’ course over time and look for ways and methods to create the most dynamic platform for their development. Below, we present the new era of the Greek Hotel Market, as it is approached by 100% Hotel Show, as well as the institution’s future plans. 

The Greek Hotelier as a business model for Greek entrepreneurship

In order to understand a market, we need to look at the general image of the entrepreneur behind it. Even though we believed in Greek Hotelier’s business leadership from the beginning, several elements along the way, further confirmed our initial approach.

Greek Hoteliers have a high level of specialization in the tourism industry, not only because of their studies but also because of the passing of important know-how and experience, from generation to generation. Nowadays, Hoteliers have a clearer picture of modern travelers’ needs and do not simply create rooms but provide complete experiences.

The high level of Greek Hotel Industry, however, is completed with the Hoteliers’ International activity. The modern Greek Hoteliers attend International Tourism fairs, travel frequently and gather ideas and experiences that enrich their professional approach. Finally, the vital role of online technologies in hotel sales, puts the internet in the Hoteliers’ everyday life, contributing to the creation of a sophisticated and highly expertized group of professionals.




Hoteliers are now looking for personalized suggestions rather than general information

As active professionals with constant stimuli, Greek Hoteliers are quite familiar with remote market research and are usually well informed and updated regarding issues and topics that concern them.

However, having a demanding program, the modern hoteliers do not seek for general information, but look for complete proposals and solutions that will answer to their current needs. Having the necessary experience, they are able to evaluate these proposals and choose the ones that best suit their needs.

This is why 100% Hotel Show’s exhibition model is not only created by companies wishing to participate in the fair, but is a result of careful selection and evaluation. A qualified team of associates chooses companies that have to offer the most quality product or service suggestions to hoteliers. The same team carefully examines and evaluates all incoming 100% Hotel Show exhibitor applications, only approving the ones that meet the fair’s quality and standards.

In the context of systematically recording, strengthening and further highlighting the selected proposals, 100% Hotel Show now proceeds to a more complete presentation of companies, products and services, through its online platform www.hotelshow.gr, aiming at the fuller and constant hotelier information.

Greek tourism promotion relies heavily on hoteliers


Hotels are the most important part in the visitors' experience and contribute greatly to shaping the tourists view for Greece as a destination. For this reason, hoteliers have a larger share of responsibility when it comes to the evolution of tourist demand.

Also, a great part of Greece’s global promotion as a destination, is spontaneously undertaken by the hoteliers themselves. They proceed to significant individual investments for promoting their hotel — and consequently their destination, online and through international fairs. At the same time, successful and methodical moves to promote the country as a tourist destination are being recorded, by entities such as SETE, XEE and so on.

With the serious lack of public support for these actions, Greek hoteliers need to feel that their so important private initiative, which contributes to the development of the Greek tourist product, is being encouraged and supported.

On this context, 100% Hotel Show has launched the International Campaign 'Greeks Teach Hospitality', which aims to support the private hoteliers' initiative, showcase the Greek hotels' excellence and contribute to the further destination visibility. With a mixture of activities such as the participation in WTM London and various online and offline actions, 100% Hotel Show, together with Greek Hoteliers, will work on the development of the Greek Tourism Market.

Dimitris Antonakos
Organizer - Editor In Chief
Dimitris Antonakos is the founder of 100% Hotel Show. His vision is the constant development and support of the Greek Hotel Product. His close relationship with contemporary evolutions and modern technologies, allow him to pursue the creation of a modern and interactive institution, with effective results for its visitors and participants.
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