Η Smile Perfection.HDC δημιουργεί εξατομικευμένα προϊόντα στοματικής υγιεινής και φροντίδας προσώπου, που αναβαθμίζουν τις παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες ενός πολυτελούς καταλύματος | 100% Hotel Specials Team

100% Hotel Specials Team
Demand Fairs & Media Specialized Executives And Selected External Partners.
The 100% Hotel Specials team is researching and recording the modern needs of the hospitality industry, as well as the new trends and innovations related to the creation, operation and development of hotel businesses. The results of this systematic effort are incorporated into the content of 100% Hotel Specials articles.